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Book Reviews
Here is a go-to book that will give you many terrific Bible verses to strengthen your faith as well as inspire you as you walk the challenging faith of Christianity. Ms Dershem's experiences will interest and captivate the reader . . leading to empowerment and encouragement as you seek to find God's will for life. Ms Dershem's passion for Christ is evident in her writing and will inspire you to live more fully in HIS power and grace. Anonymous ****
I am enjoying your book and am getting a lot out of it. I like it that this is a "work book" rather than a book for reading pleasure. I need to go back and re-read some of what I have already read but appreciate the underline and examples of, for instance the movie Carousel.
Helen, Kalamazoo
I have read and highlighted the first chapter on God's love. It is so good! I shared it with our youngest son . . . I did read it aloud, too, as suggested! I'm looking forward to the rest of the book! Sue, Kalamazoo
Your book wasn't what I expected, but it is very special, and I enjoyed reading it. I can see what a big job it must have been to compile so much information. It is not what I would call a novel. It's a 'teaching manual and a 'how to book'. You did a great job. I've read it twice and will read it again. (This is my aunt who reads a lot of fiction, but also bought another copy.)
Wilgard, Ludington

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