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To fulfill the call on my life to write a book that would bless a million people! (Gen. 12:3b)


To encourage the downcast, hopeless, and the 'clueless';

teach Christians what belongs to them thru Christ,

heal the sick and help the poor.


To build faith to receive the truth of the Bible to be healed (Is. 53:5),

to learn "The Authority of the Believer" over the enemy (satan) and other situations;

to persevere in difficult circumstances with the Lord's help, 

how to hear from the Holy Spirit, be lead, trust in Him and

how to get their needs met (Phil. 4:19). 



Book cover.JPG

Jamie Dershem

8063 Rowan St. 
Redwood Apartments

Kalamazoo, MI 49009



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