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  • Writer's pictureJamie Dershem

Blessings of Holy Spirit

Updated: Feb 5, 2021

When Worship music is playing, it is easy to worship the Lord in church, from a CD, your phone app, etc.. But do you know you can worship the Lord anytime where ever you are by just focusing on His love for you, His Word, a picture you may have seen of Him or just when you speak His Name "Jesus". The more you do this, the more you will get the benefits of this blessing of speaking the Name "Jesus". I do this especially when I want to clear my thinking, but also when I need His protection from the enemy, because it causes him to flee.

I talk to the Lord all the time; in fact, my husband thinks I'm talking to him and he asks me to repeat what I said, because he didn't hear it the first time, which wasn't to him. That's why I get up between 4-5:00 am to spend time with Him uninterrupted. When I tell people I go to bed early, because I get up at that time and why, they look at me with a question mark in their expression. That's when I know they have a different priority than me; but that time is precious and it gives me encouragement, knowledge from reading the Word, "LImitless Love" devot-ional, Health Food Devotions by Kenneth Hagin, The Word for you Today devotional and God Calling, my favorite. Often He quickens we with a sentence or Scripture that is perfect!

I'll get up no matter what time we have to be somewhere to do this, because I never know what the Lord would have me to do that day, like pray for someone that needs a miracle, or just give them counsel that is timely. I have to be ready! Also, I need to know what is in His book for me that day; I don't want to miss His perfect will for me. Do you? I hope not, because when you do what is right in your own eyes (your will), it can get you in a lot of trouble.

I'd rather follow the One that knows the end from the beginning! When I do, I generally get pleasant surprises! Like finding things I've been looking for a long time; visiting with someone and selling them my book with ease; having favor with a sales associate the gives me a special price or finds what I need; getting everything done that we set out to do plus; getting an excellent waiter or waitress; taking a side trip and being at the right place at the right time, etc., etc.. It's happened so many times, I could go on and on.

One of the biggies is not being in the wrong place: stalled on the highway; being attacked by radical anarchists or caught in a disastrous weather situation, like is happening now. The benefit of hearing from the Holy Spirit is His guidance and counsel continually, because I've learned to hear His Voice on the inside. It is invaluable as you can see and worth every moment I spend with Him at the beginning of my day and thru out it. Discover how to get this "benefit" when you read "Only Believe! the Love" book. Call me 269-375-5272 for a copy today.

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